About Phair Ventures
Who is Phair Ventures?
An Affiliate of Montecito Village Travel (MVT) CST#2019108-10

Phair Ventures, LLC is a Virtuoso Travel Agency with 20 plus years of travel experience. Everything you can imagine groups from student organizations, corporate incentive, reunions, luxury leisure, family leisure, adventure, or military travel we have booked them. Let us help you find your next adventure - girls weekend, skiing, diving, cruising, biking, theatre weekend, hiking a national park, generational holiday, exploring the world, what is on your bucket list....we can help you at Phair Ventures, LLC. 

Melissa has been in the travel / hospitality industry since 1998 when she started with AirTran Airways in Orlando, Florida. At the Rosen School of Hospitality (UCF) she was one of the establishing members of the Golden Knights Wine Society. Where she was their social director and established the annual Napa Valley Trip. This is when she learned how much went into travel arrangements, new operations, and large events. She received an MBA in Project Management in 2012 because she felt it rounded out her degree in Theatre Management with a minor in Hospitality Events. A little-known fact about her is she knows ASL. She is a little rusty but is willing to help when and wherever she can. 

Her favorite destination that she has been to is Stratford Upon-Avon, England. She can wander that town for days and still not see a quarter of what she studied in Theatre. The history is pouring from the tops of the houses, to the flow of the river, through the cemetery, everywhere you turn you feel the spirit of the town. "O Sir, you had then left unseen a wonderful piece of work, which not to have been blest withal would have discredited your travel" ~Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra. She really wants to return to Ireland; it is one of the many places you cannot fully experience in a short trip.

She has had the privilege of traveling with some of her travel groups, she understands the privilege of watching people learning and exploring...this can give a sense of fulfillment, knowing you help make it happen. To watch a person, find out that the world that use to be at most 50 square miles is like that of someone 3,000 miles away in a different environment is amazing. She loves watching people find out the world is different but similar in so many ways. "Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world." ~Gustave Flaubert 

She has been certified in Hawaii, CIE, Brennan Tours, Las Vegas, Club Med, US Virgin Islands, Disney, Universal Orlando, New York City, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Trafalgar, Palace Resorts, Napa Valley, African Adventures, Avanti – Asia, Sandals and Beaches, CIE, Regent, Princess, Cunard, Royal Caribbean Master. She has her ACC, keeps learning, and will continue to earn as many certifications as she can because learning is knowledge and knowledge is power. "Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small and in return, life – and travel – leaves marks on you." ~Anthony Bourdain